Circular Economy | University of Ferrara will host the International School in Circular Economy Project Management

Circular Economy | University of Ferrara will host the International School in Circular Economy Project Management

In September a free course for the acquisition of skills related to the management of circular economy projects

Circular Economy Ferrara

Università degli Studi di Ferrara will host and lead the International School in Circular Economy Project Management that will take place this autumn in Ferrara cofinanced by Regione Emilia-Romagna and partnered with Athens University of Economics and Business Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and Centoform.

The course aims to train future professionals in the system design sector that apply circular economy innovations, which today represents a key concept in the development of production methods capable of combining sustainability, innovation and value creation.

It is a new production model, which contrasts with the linear model and is focused on the connection between the various production processes. This therefore requires new technologies, designs and production processes, as well as radical changes in corporate culture and in relations with stakeholders.

The course will start on 12th September and will be free for the 20 selected participants.

The course is open to graduates in different disciplines and employed people interested in acquiring skills related to the management of circular economy projects.

It will be structured in blended mode and will be divided into 128 hours, of which 88 at distance (from 12th to 30th September) and 40 in presence (from 3rd to 14th October) at the headquarters of the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Ferrara. 

Want to know more or join the course? Send an email to

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