European Heritage Days 2023

European Heritage Days 2023

Shine a light on living heritage!

The European Heritage Days (EHD) are the most widely celebrated participatory cultural event shared by the people of Europe. The Council of Europe launched the initiative in 1985, and in 1999 was joined by the European Union to create the joint action, which has continued up to the present day. Conceivably, the Programme, which can boast up to 20 million visitors every year, generates the greatest value, Euro for Euro, of any “European” cultural project.

Held in September each year, EHD events – often called Heritage Open Days - take place in the countries party to the European Cultural Convention. During this time, doors are opened to numerous monuments and sites, allowing Europe’s citizens to enjoy free visits and learn about their shared cultural heritage and encouraging them to become actively involved in the safeguard and enhancement of this heritage for present and future generations.

The aims of the European Heritage Days are to:

  • raise the awareness of European citizens to the richness and cultural diversity of Europe
  • create a climate in which the appreciation of the rich mosaic of European cultures is stimulated
  • counter racism and xenophobia and encourage greater tolerance in Europe and beyond the national borders
  • inform the public and the political authorities about the need to protect cultural heritage against new threats
  • invite Europe to respond to the social, political and economic challenges it faces

The 2023 theme is "Living heritage". 

“Living heritage” refers to the practices, knowledge and skills that have been passed from one generation to the next, and are still in use today. A variety of skills, trades and professions enable us to maintain and preserve our heritage in many ways. This theme provides the opportunity for us to take a closer look at the work being done by the custodians of our heritage. It will examine how yesterday's heritage has become today's, and how this heritage can, thanks to people who pass on their knowledge, be safeguarded for future generations.

Skills, practices and memories, and the ways in which we share them with each other, provide a sense of identity and continuity. This process is always in motion, and in exploring it as our annual theme we will create an opportunity for event organisers to explore it in depth, while promoting appreciation for cultural diversity and creativity.

To find European Heritage Days events in Emilia-Romagna, click on this link!

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