Welcome Day 2023 Parma

Welcome Day 2023 Parma

The Welcome day is dedicated to all students who have chosen the University of Parma as their destination for an international mobility experience

The Welcome Day of the University of Parma will be held on Thursday 28 September, starting at 9am.

Through this event the University wants to present all the services and opportunities for the over 350 foreign students on exchange in Parma with international mobility projects, both within the Erasmus+ and Overworld programmes, the University of Parma's program aimed to non-European countries.

The event, sponsored by the Municipality of Parma, which also involves exchange students from the Arrigo Boito Conservatory, will begin in Piazzale San Francesco for the usual group photo, and will subsequently move to Room A for the institutional greetings of the Vice Rector Paolo Martelli and, for the Municipality of Parma, by the Councilor for Educational Services and Digital Transition, Caterina Bonetti, followed by the speech of Maria Cecilia Mancini, the Rector's delegate for international mobility of teachers and students.

Therefore the interventions of the Internationalization unit on the procedures and activities of the office and the focus on the Ambassador in Parma project, which directly involves incoming Erasmus+ and Overworld students: they will be the "ambassadors for a day" of their home University.

Then the Unipr partners will intervene: the Informagiovani of the Municipality of Parma, Infomobility and TEP, Crédit Agricole, the University's partner for the Student Card, the Revenue Agency, the CUS Parma and the University's Welcome Office.

At the end of the morning, the Erasmus Student Network -ESN- ASSI Parma will show the numerous initiatives planned by the association for all students hosted by the University.

The Welcome Day will continue in the afternoon at the Arrigo Boito Conservatory with a guided tour followed by the presentation of the Conservatory's public activities, to conclude with a concert by the students of the European Jazz Workshop.

Moreover, each degree program (first-cycle, second-cycle, single-cycle) will start with a Welcome Day, a "zero lecture" to find out information on the University, your course of study and the main services available to you.... in short, all you need to make the most of your new university life!

Chech this link for all the details!

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