Become a member of the Erasmus Orchestra!

Become a member of the Erasmus Orchestra!

Call for expressions of interest for the selection of young students (musicians, singers, conductors) of European Conservatories and Music Institutes to become members of the Erasmus Orchestra

The Erasmus Orchestra was created in 2017 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus Programme (the European programme that provided more than 4 million youths with the experience of a training/study opportunity abroad), under the initiative of the Erasmus+ Italian National Agency.

The Erasmus Orchestra is a musical ensemble, unique in its kind, made up of students of Conservatories and Music institutes that participated or are taking part in an Erasmus international mobility experience.

The initiative carries deeply symbolic meaning aiming to promote the values of the Erasmus generation, that is open, dynamic and supportive, and to enhance the values of Europe, by using music as a metaphor of integration, encounter and development of competences beyond any linguistic, geographical and cultural barriers.

Since its debut in 2017 at the Festival of Europe in Florence, the performances of the Erasmus Orchestra have obtained great success of audience and interest from media and institutions, beyond national level. This has led the Indire’s Erasmus+ Italian National Agency to invest further in the future of the project. The future perspective is to include students from other countries to perform in Europe and in the rest of the world and spread the values of the Programme, while offering occasions of cultural exchange and dialogue. Through the Orchestra, the Agency aims to contribute to enhancing talents and excellences of Italian conservatories and music institutes, by developing collaborations and partnerships to offer young professionals a unique opportunity to showcase their talent, providing a valuable chance for young musicians’ professional career, with public international performances.

In a growth perspective, the Erasmus orchestra will participate in international networks, including the European association of conservatories, and will start structured fundraising projects, aimed at supporting the orchestra, and social and cultural initiatives.

With this Call for expression of interest, the Erasmus+ INDIRE Italian Agency would like to put together   a list of international students who took part in the Erasmus Programme, to be involved in a series of performances to be held between 2023 and 2025

More information on the project can be found at


The application can only be submitted online by representatives of Higher Music Education Institutions (staff) by completing the form available at the following link:

The application form must contain complete personal details of the candidates, as indicated here.

The deadline for submitting applications is 15/10/2023 at 11:59pm.

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