Harnessing Talent Platform launch event

Harnessing Talent Platform launch event

 23 November 2023 h 09:00 – 18:00 CET | Online

The launch event of the Harnessing Talent Platform will take place on Thursday, November 23rd.This event will be hosted by the Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO).

The Harnessing Talent Platform stems from the Communication on Harnessing Talent in Europe’s Regions and is part of the Talent Booster Mechanism, a dedicated eight-pillar initiative that seeks to boost talent in all EU regions.

The event will provide opportunity to reflect on territorial dimension of policies for attracting, retaining and developing talent and how the underlining demographic transition influences the prosperity of EU’s regions. It will also highlight the support offered by the European Commission through the Talent Booster Mechanism and the newly launched Harnessing Talent Platform.

The Harnessing Talent Platform Launch Event will be opened by the Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira. The issues of regional prosperity and attractiveness will be debated within a high-level panel and will be further explored through the lenses of an academic keynote speaker. In the ensuite two panel sessions, key questions on the territorial dimension and on the socio-economic implications of demographic challenges and talent development trap will be discussed by experts from Member States and regions together with representatives of Commission services. Lastly, the event will provide an overview and will link the different European Commission initiatives that offer support to Member States, regions and cities through an info session on the 8 Pillars of the Talent Booster Mechanism.


You can find and download a detailed agenda of the event here: Download


This event will be live streamed via a dedicated streaming link, which will be made available in the days before the event.

Click here to register for virtual attendance and receive the webstreaming link to follow the HTP launch event.


If you want to know more click here.

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