The Talent Booster Mechanism and Harnessing Talent Platform: the European strategy to train, attract and retain talents

The Talent Booster Mechanism and Harnessing Talent Platform: the European strategy to train, attract and retain talents

The Emilia-Romagna Region has an active role in the strategy

Image from the European Commission dedicated website

Europe's got talent. But talent needs to be nurtured and honed properly.

At the beginning of 2023 the European Commission has published a Communication on Harnessing Talent in Europe's Regions focused on regions that are facing a related set of challenges: a sharp working age population decline in combination with a low and stagnating share of people with a tertiary education as well as regions experiencing a significant departure of young people

The Communication offers tailor-made, place based and multi-dimensional solutions, including the Talent Booster Mechanism and the Harnessing Talent Platform, bringing a fresh impetus as the first key initiative in 2023 to contribute to the European Year of Skills.

The Talent Booster Mechanism is based on the following 8 pillars:

  • Pillar 1
    Technical Assistance to help regions facing a ‘talent development trap' to train, attract and retain skilled workers. Expert support is provided to 11 pilot regions which have been selected on the basis of an open call: Alentejo (PT), Champagne-Ardenne (FR), Dél-Dunántúl (HU), Kontinentalna Hrvatska (HR), Łódzkie (PL), Peloponnisos (EL), Puglia (IT), Sachsen-Anhalt (DE), Vest (RO), Yugoiztochen (BG)), Moravskoslezsko (CZ). 
    ART-ER is part of the Technical Assistance Team (TA Team) and in collaboration with EURADA and Prognos is closely supporting Puglia.
  • Pillar 2 
    This pillar targets regions at risk of falling into a ‘talent development trap’, facing high rates of departure of young people to adapt to the demographic transition and invest in talent development through tailored place-based policies. Based on an open call, 10 regions were selected to receive technical assistance and expertise. The selected regions are: Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region (SK), Campania (IT), Castilla y León (ES), Nord-Vest (RO), Região Autónoma dos Açores (PT), Centre - Val de Loire (FR), Extremadura (ES), Norte (PT), Regional Council of Pohjois Savo (FI), and Thessalia (EL).
  • Pillar 3
    The Technical Support Instrument (TSI) supports Member States with reforms at national and regional level, necessary to address the shrinking of the working-age population, the lack of skills and respond to local market needs.
  • Pillar 4
    Cohesion Policy programmes and the Interregional Innovation Investments (known as I3 Instrument) will stimulate innovation and opportunities for high-skill jobs and contribute improving possibilities to retain and attract talents in these regions.
  • Pillar 5
    Financing place-based solutions led by shrinking cities that address the challenges of developing, retaining and attracting skilled workers through the ‘European Urban Initiative'.
  • Pillar 6
    The Harnessing Talent Platform (HTP) is the case of all the EU initiatives that support the development of talents, providing an easier access to information for interested regions about EU policies in areas such as research and innovation, training, education, and youth mobility.
  • Pillar 7
    Experiences will be exchanged and good practices will be disseminated thanks to the Working Groups on the topics of: Digital, Health, Research & Innovation and Territorial development – in particular urban-rural linkages and quality of life. These groups have been established with the purpose of helping regions address specific professional or territorial challenges which influence a region’s ability to be competitive and attractive for young and highly skilled workforce.
    ART-ER and IRST Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori "Dino Amadori" are respectively part of the "Research and Innovation" and "Health" Working Group. Through them in the next 3 years Emilia-Romagna will work with the other core members to address challenges and seek for potential solutions to tackle R&I and Health topics that impact the regions’ opportunities to train, attract and harness talent. 
  • Pillar 8
    The analytical knowledge required to support and facilitate evidence-based policies on regional development and migration will be further developed. More information on KCMD Data Portal

In this context, the Harnessing Talent Platform is leveraged as a mean of communication, disseminating information related to the mentioned pillars. It ensures that impacted regions receive the guidance, information and knowledge they need to elaborate, consolidate, develop and implement tailored and comprehensive strategies to train, attract and retain talents.
Via this platform, the European Commission shares relevant information and promotes events, best practices as well as access to technical assistance and advice to regions in need, including a dedicated helpdesk. It can therefore be considered as a catalyst for collaboration, enabling the exchange of ideas, knowledge and resources among stakeholders.
The Talent Booster Mechanism and Harnessing Talent Platform are part of the Demography Toolbox published in October 2023, which sets out a comprehensive approach to demographic change in the EU.

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