it-ER at FREREF Day 2023 - Identify, Accompany and Retain Talents

it-ER at FREREF Day 2023 - Identify, Accompany and Retain Talents

13th and 14th of November from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm in Bologna and Reggio Emilia

This year, FREREF members wished to dedicate this annual moment to exchange about the need to identify, accompany and retain talents in the territory. Regions indeed need those elements to monitor their policies in education, training and lieflong learning. Identifying talents, persons with potential, is a crucial challenge for Regions, to then be able to acocmpany them. Then they also need to incite those talents to stay in their territory, and participate in the socio-economic local ecosystems.

How to enable Regions to tackle those chalenges then? FREREF members suggest to investigate the Regional Peer Learning method to enhance territories capacity building on the matter.

Join us on 13th and 14th November in Bologna and Reggio Emilia to bring your expertise and challenges on the subject «Identify, Accompany and Retain Talents in our territories – Foster Regional Peer Learning».

During the 2 days event, the it-ER programme coordinator Lara Porciatti will talk about the process of identifying, managing and retaining talents relying on the it-ER experience. 

Register here!

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