#podcast "Unibo values" with  Yannick Lahti and Olga Trunova

Embarking on a new study path is not easy, especially in another country. LifeBites is a podcast of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna that guides prospective students in their first steps at university thanks to the experience and voice of their international colleagues.

#podcast "Once Unibo, forever Unibo: becoming a Student Amabassador" with Yannick Lahti with

Embarking on a new study path is not easy, especially in another country. LifeBites is a podcast of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna that guides prospective students in their first steps at university thanks to the experience and voice of their international colleagues.

#podcast "Design your future career" with Yannick Lahti, Zaur Nazarli and Luisa Boaretto

Embarking on a new study path is not easy, especially in another country. LifeBites is a podcast of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna that guides prospective students in their first steps at university thanks to the experience and voice of their international colleagues.

#podcast "Life and Studying" with Yannick Lahti and Christina Kunrath 

The Unibo experience only starts by sharing it with other people! The Welcome day, the first university class, international friends, professors... Being an international student at the University of Bologna means to discover new things and meet new people every day: from study rooms to libraries in the historic buildings of the university district and from canteens to pizzerie and rosticcerie… and much more! 

#podcast "Landing" with Yannick Lahti and Catarina Pardal 

Embarking on a new study path is not easy, especially in another country. LifeBites is a podcast of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna that guides prospective students in their first steps at university thanks to the experience and voice of their international colleagues.

#podcast "Discover Unibo" with Yannick Lahti and Adrien Audoin

Embarking on a new study path is not easy, especially in another country. LifeBites is a podcast of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna that guides prospective students in their first steps at university thanks to the experience and voice of their international colleagues.

#podcast "On board" with Yannick Lahti and Zhara Abassov

Embarking on a new study path is not easy, especially in another country. LifeBites is a podcast of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna that guides prospective students in their first steps at university thanks to the experience and voice of their international colleagues. 

#podcast "Del Mondo" con Fabio Balboni

“Del Mondo” è il podcast del Servizio informazione dell’Assemblea legislativa della Regione Emilia-Romagna, una serie che racconta le storie degli emiliano-romagnoli che hanno deciso di vivere all’estero. Fabio Balboni, dopo la specialistica in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche a Forlì, oggi è economista nella City di Londra. 

#podcast "Del Mondo" con Valentina Imbeni

“Del Mondo” è il podcast del Servizio informazione dell’Assemblea legislativa della Regione Emilia-Romagna, una serie che racconta le storie degli emiliano-romagnoli che hanno deciso di vivere all’estero. Valentina Imbeni dirige l’unica scuola italiana di tutta la West Coast, nel cuore della Silicon Valley, che ha portato negli Stati Uniti anche un po’ di Emilia-Romagna attraverso la pedagogia di Reggio Children.

#podcast "Del Mondo" con Maria Chiara Prodi

“Del Mondo” è il podcast del Servizio informazione dell’Assemblea legislativa della Regione Emilia-Romagna, una serie che racconta le storie degli emiliano-romagnoli che hanno deciso di vivere all’estero. Maria Chiara Prodi è la vice-direttrice di produzione dell’Opéra-Comique di Parigi e presidente del Cgie sulle nuove migrazioni.

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