Emilia-Romagna youth living abroad present a richness for the Emilia-Romagna region which is committed, through ART-ER Territory Research Attractiveness, to maintaining relations and promoting long-distance collaborations, not only to enhance international paths of excellence but also to provide useful tools for those who intend to return to the region.

Are you from Emilia-Romagna by birth or education with high skills (university student, PhD student, researcher, professional, startupper) living abroad or do you represent an organization outside Italy and you are interested in learning more? Please contact us at iter@art-er.it

On the Move – The moving ecosystem is the international tour designed to promote relations between the Emilia-Romagna research and innovation ecosystem and its talents abroad (from Emilia-Romagna, by birth or education, with high skills) through a series of events and networking.

The initiative is sponsored by the Emilia-Romagna Region and carried out by ART-ER (Attractiveness Research Territory), in collaboration with the Council of Emilia-Romagna people in the world, as part of the it-ER International Talents Emilia-Romagna initiative, to raise awareness on the regional ecosystem and inform about it-ER services dedicated to international talents

2023 Edition

it-ER goes to Argentina & Uruguay  An international tour of events to connect young people from Argentina, Uruguay and Emilia-Romagna abroad with high skills with the regional research and innovation system. In collaboration with Consulta degli emiliano-romagnoli nel mondo and Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna.

  • it-ER Buenos Aires, an initiative to inform university students, researchers, phds, professionals and startuppers in Argentina on the research and innovation ecosystem of Emilia-Romagna and its relations with the Argentinian one, as well as the opportunities and services to encourage exchanges and collaborations between talents from the two territories.
  • On the Move – The moving ecosystem | Next stop Buenos Aires, an event to promote relations between the research and innovation ecosystem of the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy and its talents in Argentina (from Emilia-Romagna, by birth or education, with high skills).
  • it-ER Montevideo – Study opportunities in Emilia-Romagna (Italy), an initiative to inform students in the last years of the scientific and linguistic high school of the Italian school of Montevideo aware on the post-graduate study opportunities offered in the Emilia-Romagna area, Italy.

2021-22 Edition

An international tour of events to connect young people from Emilia-Romagna with high skills, who study and work abroad, with the regional research and innovation system. With Rai Radio 3 and Rai Pubblica Utilità media partnership.

  • Expat – Back on the Emilia road, radio event with the special episode of the Rai Radio 3 Expat program, in which the stories of three international talents from Emilia-Romagna have been presented. You can listen to the episode again at this link
  • Back to Emilia-Romagna – Stories of expats and services for returning, online event chaired by Rai Radio 3 and broadcasted live streaming on ART-ER and on the Council of Emilia-Romagna people in the world channels. You can see the event again in our Youtube playlist at this link.
  • Big Data and AI Talents in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, in-person event at the Italy Pavilion of Expo 2020 Dubai in conjunction with Emilia-Romagna's Regional Day at Expo 2020 Dubai. The event has been broadcasted live streaming on Italy Expo 2020 Youtube channel. If you want to see the registered session click here.
  • Women and Cultures on the Move – Female Emigration Past and Present, online event dedicated to the analysis and study of female emigration with a focus on high skills. You can see the event again in our Youtube playlist at this link.

2019 Edition

An international tour to promote relations between the Emilia-Romagna research and innovation ecosystem and its talents abroad. Find out all the events of the 2019 edition.

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