In Emilia-Romagna there are several opportunities offered by online tools, associations and local services to meet and get to know new people. Here are some suggestions.

Recreational activities offered by the universities

Each University of the Region reports through its portal, cultural, social and recreational initiatives.

University of Bologna – Student associations and free time

University of Bologna, Campus Ravenna – Campus Services

University of Bologna, Campus Rimini – Campus Services

University of Bologna, Campus Forlì – Campus Services

University of Bologna, Campus Cesena – Campus Services

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Services and facilities

University of Ferrara – Student services

University of Parma – Erasmus & international home

Cattolica University, Campus Piacenza – Campus life

Networking for researchers and graduate/doctorate students

The Area S3 spaces of ART-ER were created to facilitate the rapprochement between Italian and foreign students and researchers, and the educational, professional and entrepreneurial opportunities offered by the regional research and innovation ecosystem. Area S3 spaces promote knowledge and exchange between foreign students and researchers and the communities of innovators in the region (research laboratories, fab-labs, incubators, start-ups, etc.), through the annual organization of networking events and updates on the opportunities offered by the regional ecosystem of research and innovation throughout the Emilia-Romagna region. Contact the Area S3 referenced person closest to you.

Open Labs

The Open Labs of Emilia-Romagna are urban spaces equipped with advanced ICT solutions where cooperation and collaboration are developed between companies, citizens, third sector stakeholders, universities and the world of research and public administration. Here you can find the actors who play a significant role in the transformation of the information society in the urban environment. In them, the city becomes a laboratory to build up the future and to create opportunities, including entrepreneurial ones. The Open Labs organize initiatives and events on new technologies, culture and creativity. They also promote paths to help new business in developing and innovating, offering equipped and stimulating workspaces.

Sports activities

Sports in Emilia-Romagna are practiced and widespread in many sectors, both at competitive and amateur levels, with a wide choice of sporting activities from the most common to those less widespread at a national level. 

Sports Club database in Emilia-Romagna (only in Italian)


The universities of the Region, through the services of the University Sports Center-CUS, offer various opportunities.

Cattolica University (Piacenza) – CUS Milano

University of Parma CUS (only in Italian)

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia CUS (only in Italian)

University of Bologna CUSB

Other CUSB offices at University of Bologna (Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, Rimini)

Università of Ferrara CUS (only in Italian)

Foreign student associations

Erasmus Student Network-ESN in Emilia Romagna is a European association of university students whose purpose is to promote and support international exchanges between students.

AEGEE Europe is the Forum of European students and is present in Emilia-Romagna with the territorial branches of Bologna and Ferrara.

Online tools

MeetUp is a platform to find and build local communities

Expat is an online community dedicated to expats to have a point of reference where they can exchange information, share opinions, but also organize meetings with other expats, compatriots and others.

InterNations is a large expat community in the world, created to help foreigners integrate into the new reality, meeting people who share the same situation to start feeling at home.

Urban trekking

Urban trekking is the ideal way to meet new people and the city you moved to. It is in fact a new way of doing tourism, less structured and far from the most popular circuits, which favors the most hidden and least known corners of the Italian cities of art. For more information look at the web pages dedicated to Emilia-Romagna and to the city where you live.

Emilia-Romagna tourism

Trekking urbano in Italia (only in Italian)

Voluntary associations

In Emilia-Romagna there are many voluntary associations in different areas of intervention. To identify the voluntary associations where it is possible to serve or to participate in the events that they organize, subscribe to the newsletter of the service centers for local volunteering where you reside, as well as provincial or sub-provincial structures that represent the main voluntary associations active in the area that organize events and activities open to all.

Additionally, thanks to the regional registry of voluntary associations present in Emilia-Romagna it is possible to carry out a search by area and territory and to identify the most suitable association.

Volunteer services center in Emilia-Romagna

List of volunteer associations in Emilia-Romagna (only in Italian)

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