A good knowledge of Italian can be very useful for your stay in Italy and to be able to actively participate in the context of study, work and social life. There are different ways and services in the area to help non-Italian-speaking individuals improve their level of Italian.

How to learn Italian at the tips of your fingers

In this section you can find gadgets for learning Italian: from free courses to apps, from podcasts to audiobooks. Here you can interactively learn the basics of the Italian language and at the same time discover the artistic and cultural richness of our country as well as the excellence of Made in Italy.

Free online courses

Italiano RAI (only in Italian)

EU – Academy (courses, vocabulary, tests, community)

BBC – Italian language

Città metropolitana di Bologna - Material for students (Sites of interest for self-study of Italian as a second language)

ForliviAmo (for those who are in Forlì, informal way to learn Italian)

Apps and podcasts and movies



Italiano bello 

Le parole delle canzoni (learning Italian through the lyrics of the most popular Italian songs)

EFF-European Film Factory

Courses organized by universities

It is possible to attend an Italian launguage course for international students offered by universities, belonging to the various territories of the Region. These courses are held by the local University Language Centre-CLA:

CLA Bologna Romagna Campus (Ravenna, Forlì, Cesena, Rimini)

CLA Ferrara 

CLA Modena e Reggio Emilia 

CLA Parma – other Italian language course at UNIPR

CLA POLIMI Campus Piacenza

CLA Sacro Cuore Campus Piacenza

MOOC organised by universities

Massive Open Online Courses-MOOC are online training activities, open to everyone. They are designed for distance learning of participants with different cultural backgrounds and from different geographical areas. The universities of Emilia-Romagna also provide MOOC to which it is possible to enroll. The list of courses offered also includes Italian language courses.

Courses organized by adult education centers or associations

In Emilia-Romagna there are free Italian language courses, or with the request for a minimum fee, for learning the language at various levels organized by:

  • Cpia-Provincial Centers for Adult Education
  • Intercultural centers
  • Unions, category or voluntary associations
  • Municipalities

For more information:

Courses organized by CPIA and associations

Courses organized by private schools

There are numerous private schools that organize Italian language and culture courses and level certification exams, upon payment of a monthly or annual fee:

Language Schools in Emilia-Romagna (only in Italian)

Schools for Italian in Italy

Bologna Welcome

Sistema bibliotecario in Emilia-Romagna

There are more than 1.000 libraries in Emilia-Romagna: municipal, provincial, state, university, ecclesiastical and private entities. They make available to all citizens, their desire to know, understand and create the heritage they conserve: over 23 million documents, including ancient and modern printed books, audiobooks, newspapers, magazines, but also graphic and photographic materials, posters, correspondence, multimedia, music, video, comics.

To know more about accessing library services in Emilia-Romagna, please, check this link (only in Italian). 

Italian Cultural Institutes 

Italian around the world. Language and culture courses at the Cultural Institutes, Italian schools around the world, professorships and lecturers at foreign universities. Find out how to learn and further your knowledge of the Italian language in your country!

Italian Cultural Institutes website

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