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Located only 48 km from Bologna, Ferrara, with its 130.000 inhabitants, is a city on a human scale. Home to the University of Ferrara, a university founded in 1391, it was an important medieval centre and one of the most opulent courts of the Renaissance. It is inextricably linked to the culture of two wheels, with routes in the city and province designed for cyclists and, for this reason, called the city of the bicycle.
In 1995 it obtained the recognition of the patrimony of humanity as a city of the Renaissance by UNESCO and in 1999 a second recognition for the Po delta and its Este Delights. It is the birthplace of famous people, including the painter Giorgio De Chirico and the director Michelangelo Antonioni.

Ferrara, città delle biciclette
Main sectors of its economy belong to areas of specialization including mechanics and motor engineering, building and construction, health and well-being industries, agri-food. It is also home to industrial laboratories such as of the Technopole of Ferrara, which includes MechLav for advanced mechanics, TekneHub for the recovery and the architectural and urban redevelopment and restoration of cultural heritage, and Terra & Acqua (Land and Water) Tech, dedicated to the environment, water, soil and territory. Finally, the LTTA, the Laboratory for Advanced Therapy Technologies represents the excellence in the field of health and medicine research.
Ferrara's cultural offer is lively and characterized by the presence of well-known festivals: the Festival of the magazine International, which attracts some of the most prestigious Italian and foreign journalists, writers and intellectuals, the Ferrara Buskers Festival, which transforms the city into a temple of free music by bringing together musicians and artists from all over the world, the Ferrara Balloons Festival, one of the biggest and most important ballooning festivals in the world and, not to be forgotten, the famous and historic Palio of San Giorgio, with parades, exhibitions and competitions in the city districts.

Ferrara, ombrelli appesi nelle vie del centro
The territory of Ferrara is also famous for its culinary tradition, which has its roots in medieval times. Typical dishes include cappellacci di zucca, with their particular hat shape (hence the name), salama da sugo, a typical Ferrara sausage, the characteristic Ferrara bread and the chocolate tenerina cake.
The city also offers opportunities for fun and evening entertainment with the possibility of going to clubs, attending concerts and cultural events. A visit to 'Al Brindisi', the oldest wine bar in the world, declared a 'Locale Storico d'Italia', is a must. Originally 'Hostaria del Chiuchiolino', the first written documentation dates back to 1435. Among the distinguished people who frequented it were Benvenuto Cellini, Tiziano Vecellio, Ludovico Ariosto and Torquato Tasso.
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