In order to be able to study or take professional courses in Italy, it is necessary to apply for the recognition and equivalence of qualifications obtained abroad. The Information Center on Mobility and Academic Equivalences (Centro Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equipollenze Accademiche-CIMEA) provides information and services in this area.

Please note that in general the recognition or equivalence of educational qualifications, depending on the purpose (for study or professional use), is the responsibility of different Italian authorities:

  • provincial school offices (only in Italian) regarding the equivalence of pre-university level diplomas;
  • universities with regard to the equivalence of foreign academic qualifications;
  • the ministry of education, university and research for the academic equivalence of foreign PhDs;
  • the relevant ministries by subject for the recognition of qualifications to carry out regulated professions (e.g.: doctor, lawyer, ecc.).

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