Are you an international university student, a PhD, a researcher, a professional living in Emilia-Romagna or a returnee who left Emilia-Romagna to spend a period abroad? This is your chance!

Join the it-ER Community, become an it-ER Ambassador!

Want to know who are the it-ER Ambassadors already enrolled in the programme? 

Click here and feel their amazing stories!

it-ER Ambassador is the network of international university students, PhDs, researchers and knowledge workers representing the Emilia-Romagna Innovation Ecosystem throughout the world.

What is it-ER International Talents Emilia-Romagna? It is the program for the attraction and retention of international talents in Emilia-Romagna promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region and managed by ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory.

What are the benefits? As an International Talent Ambassador of Emilia-Romagna, you will have the opportunity to meet other internationals living in the region, enhance your experience among the main actors in the regional ecosystem and contribute to the development of the it-ER International Talents Emilia-Romagna program. Moreover, you will:

  • be recognized for your achievements as a leading talent in Emilia-Romagna;
  • be part of an interesting peer to peer storytelling platform, where the story is you;
  • join our community of regional business leaders and shape the talent attraction and retention in our region;
  • meet talents from all over the world, who are also currently working here in Emilia-Romagna;
  • have some fun in the Emilia-Romagna way mixing business and social life.

Who is an it-ER Ambassador? The ideal it-ER Ambassador is an international student, PhD, researcher or professional who lives in  Emilia-Romagna or a person from Emilia-Romagna (who was born or who studied in this territory) just come back after a period abroad, aiming to connect with other talents in the region and to share her/his experience through this network.

How to participate? Becoming an it-ER Ambassador is easy! Just follow these 4 steps:

Every month the it-ER team will examine your applications to become an it-ER Ambassador and will get in contact with you to give you all the necessary information about the initiative. If you need more info, contact us to the email address

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