After a long period abroad, you may want to consider returning to your country of origin. Emilia-Romagna mark this choice as a priority.

Below you will find a selection of information, services and initiatives dedicated to those who intend to return to Emilia-Romagna after moving abroad for study or professional reasons.

Tax concessions

The Decreto Legge 34 of 30 April 2019, also called the "Decreto Crescita 2019" and which came into force on 1st May 2019, redesigned the legislation relating to the return of brains in Italy, strengthening the tax breaks in favor of Italian expats, still little known among the potential beneficiaries.

The concessions, which represent the main instrument of the Italian Government, are dedicated to knowledge workers and to professors and researchers who intend to return to Italy after a period abroad.

Are you a qualified worker who lives abroad interested in the opportunities offered by the Emilia-Romagna region? Here you can find a guide and a webinar to get all the information about the procedures and incentives to come to Italy.  

Are you a company interested in hiring internationals? Here you can find a guide and some webinars to get all the information about the procedures and incentives to hire people relocating from abroad.

Study and research opportunities

If you are considering returning to Emilia-Romagna to study, do research or to find other opportunities connected with the regional innovation ecosystem, we recommend that you consult the dedicated pages within the Moving To section and those dedicated to the description of the areas of regional specialization:

Return with your family 

If you are planning to return to Emilia-Romagna with your family, you will be interested in the many services dedicated to the very young. Find out more in the dedicated pages in the Moving To section:

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