If you are thinking about moving to Emilia-Romagna with your pet, you will need to make the necessary preparations for your pet to ensure their journey runs smoothly. Pets are understood to be dogs, cats, ferrets.

What requirements must be met?   

The health requirements vary depending on whether the animal comes from a member country of the EU or not. There are some general requirements that may vary depending on the animal being transported, its age and medical history, and the country of origin. You are advised to consult the country of origin's consulate or diplomatic mission directly. The purpose is to prevent the spread of potentially contagious diseases and ensure the protection of human and animal health.

These are the general provisions concerning all dogs, cats and ferrets coming from both EU member states and third countries:

  • all animals must be vaccinated and comply with applicable healthcare requirements, all evidenced by the respective supporting documents.
  • Dogs, cats and ferrets shall be identified by a microchip (transponder) or a clearly legible tattoo, when applied before 3 July 2011. If scanners may not be able to read the microchip, at entry points upon arrival it can cause a significant problem and your pet could be quarantined. If your pet was “tattooed” prior to the 3rd of July 2011 then this is still considered an acceptable form of identification, provided it is clearly visible and that your pet received a rabies vaccination after the tattoo.
  • It is prohibited to introduce in Italy dogs, cats and ferrets aged less than 12 weeks that have not been vaccinated against rabies or dogs, cats and ferrets aged between 12 and 16 weeks that, although vaccinated against rabies, do not meet the validity requirements.
  • The maximum number of pet animals that may accompany the owner or the authorized person during a single movement shall not exceed five. When the number of pet animals exceeds five and the conditions for derogation are not fulfilled if the animals come from an EU country, they shall meet the requirements set out in Directive 92/65/EEC. If the animals come from a third country, they shall meet the requirements set out in Directive 92/65/EEC.
  • Normally, the owner or the authorized person shall accompany the animal during a non-commercial movement.
  • A preventive treatment against ticks and echinococcus is NOT required for the introduction of pet animals in Italy.
  • It is also strongly recommended that your pets receive additional vaccines such as Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza & Parvovirus (DHLPP) and Bordetella for dogs and Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia (FVRCP) for cats.

Moving with your pet from an EU country to Emilia-Romagna, Italy

The following additional requirements apply for animals coming from EU Member. The animal shall be accompanied by:

  • an European passport. This document is mandatory and contains a registry section and a health section which contains the anti-rabies vaccination, any clinical tests and therapeutic treatments. The "pet passport" aims to ensure greater security against the health risks associated with the movement of pets, in particular with respect to rabies. This passport must be completed and issued by an authorized veterinarian of the country of origin. For the release of the passport, please contact the Veterinary Services of the country of origin. It must include the alphanumeric code of the microchip (transponder) or the tattoo and certifying the vaccination against rabies and, if appropriate, a new valid vaccination against rabies.
  • A written declaration of the owner in case an authorized person carries out the non-commercial movement of the animal by written delegation of the owner.

Dogs, cats or ferrets shall be vaccinated against rabies by an authorized veterinarian of the country of origin in accordance with Annex III to Regulation No. 576/2013 EU:

  • the pet animal was at least 12 weeks old at the date on which the vaccine was administered;
  • the date of administration does not precede the date of identification or the date of reading of the microchip;
  • the period of validity of the vaccination starts from the 21st day from the completion of the vaccination protocol for the primary vaccination and each further vaccination shall be performed within the period of validity of the previous one.

Moving with your per from non EU country to Emilia-Romagna, Italy

In addition to the general provisions, different rules apply for dogs, cats and ferrets coming from a third country depending on whether such country is included or not in the list drawn up by the European Commission and published in Part 2 of Annex II to Regulation No. 577/2013 EU. This constantly updated list is available on the European Union website.

Dogs, cats and ferrets identified by a microchip or a clearly legible tattoo, if applied before 3 July 2011, shall be accompanied by the health certificate, issued by an official veterinarian from the competent Authority of the third country. The health certificate shall attest, in addition to the conduct of the anti-rabies vaccination and, if appropriate, a new valid vaccination, the accomplished execution with favorable results of the rabies post-vaccination neutralizing antibody titration test.

For pet animals reentering the Italian territory from a third country, the community passport referred to in Annex III, Regulation No. 577/2013 EU may also be used. It shall attest that the above-mentioned provisions required for the introduction from third countries have been observed.

Other pet animals that may travel with their owner on special conditions are:

  • invertebrates (excluding bees and bumblebees and molluscs and crustaceans);
  • ornamental aquatic animals;
  • amphibians and reptiles;
  • birds: specimens of avian species;
  • mammals: rodents and rabbits other than those intended for food production and defined “lagomorphs”.

If you are interested in pet animals belonging to one of these species, please refer to the Italian Ministry of Health by clicking here.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The procedures tend to change frequently. Therefore, only what is provided by the regulations in force at the time of carrying out the procedure in question is applicable.

Such instructions do not concern the movement of animals to be sold or transferred to another owner, including adoptions.

Ministry of health

Emilia-Romagna regional government

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