Job guidance

Writing a good CV and being ready for a job interview are key activities for obtaining a job. First of all, it is necessary to value personal skills by highlighting previous experience, especially those relevant to the activity of the company you want to work for. Attention to details and accuracy in their presentation will be crucial.  

Several free channels and tools can help you: in addition to a CV and a cover letter, you can exploit the full potential of social media, in particular LinkedIn, and of the web to get in touch with potential employers, but also to highlight your skills. Indeed, in the age of digitalisation, many HR managers check social profiles to get a first impression before starting a selection or contacting a candidate. This is why your personal social channels need to be curated and distinctive.

In addition, new ways of writing a CV have arisen, from the video CV to more creative CVs, to the new frontier of the anonymous CV. Finally, in order to apply for opportunities abroad, it is obviously necessary to know all the rules of writing a CV in English.

Who to address?

If you have not yet decided which career path to take, there are a variety of subjects you can turn to at local and regional level, both public and private.
Public bodies* are the Employment Centres, the Municipal Career Guidance Centres, the Informagiovani, the Universities, the Labour Agencies.
Private subjects* are Training Agencies, Chambers of Commerce, Social Parties, recruitment companies and headhunting companies.
*Please be aware that the majority of links below relate to institutional webpages in Italian.


Employment Centres provide free, customised and targeted services to achieve one's professional goals and identify the most suitable job for one's skills and interests, facilitating an effective match between labour supply and demand. By registering with the Employment Centre, it is possible to acquire the unemployment status (DID), benefit from the counselling service to choose the most suitable pathway for personal needs, sign the service pact and obtain the worker pathway.

On this page you can find the interactive map with all the Employment Centres in Emilia-Romagna.


The Regional Labour Agency of Emilia-Romagna and the National Agency for Active Labour Policies (ANPAL) are useful channels since they facilitate the matching of job offers from companies and the demand for employment from the workforce. 


There are many accredited private subjects that, together with public providers, work to support young people as they enter the labour market and to help those who have lost their jobs in finding a new one. The services offered include:

  • meetings to define a path for professional growth and autonomous job search;
  • guidance in looking for job opportunities;
  • training experiences and opportunities;
  • issue of certifications formalising competences;
  • intermediation between workers and companies to facilitate the matching of labour supply and labour demand.

Here you can find the list of private subjects in Emilia-Romagna organised by territorial area.


HR recruitment societies provide consultancy to companies in order to identify and recruit professional profiles suited to the needs and structure of the client company. They mainly deal with the search for highly qualified workers (managers, middle managers, technicians, graduates or graduates with experience or specialisation).

What are the different types of work contracts in Italy?

In Italy there are different forms of employment contracts, each having specific elements and application scope. 

Employment contracts are divided into three different types, which are characterised by the way the worker performs his or her services: subordinate, parasubordinate and autonomous.


The subordinate employment contract is characterised by the 'subordination' of the worker, who in exchange for remuneration undertakes to perform his or her work to the dependences and under the direction of another person. Below are the types of subordinate employment contracts.

  • Dependent employment contract: this is the contract that has the most advantages as it offers more guarantees, protection and stability to the employee, both because of the continuity of work and because the employer cannot dismiss the employee without just cause. There is no time limit: the relationship only ends if the employee is dismissed or resigns, after a notice period.
  • Fixed-term employment contract: the employee and the hirer set a time limit to the length of the contract. It is often used by companies, or private individuals, as a trial period before hiring the employee on a permanent basis – if the experience has been positive.
  • Part-time work: the employment can be permanent or fixed-term and consists of 16 to 30 hours per week. With a part-time contract, you have the same rights as a full-time employee with regard to the amount of leave, holiday entitlement and trade union rights. In addition, several part-time contracts can be signed.
  • Apprenticeship
  • Intermittent (or 'on-call') work
  • Outsourcing/management contract: this can be permanent or fixed-term and involves three parties: the worker, the employer and the employment agency (manager), which is responsible for recruiting staff and for handling all the bureaucratic formalities on behalf of the worker and the company. The worker is hired and paid by the authorised agency, which pays the contributions. This will be refunded by the employer with the payment of a percentage.


Parasubordinate work is a type of employment with intermediate characteristics between subordinate employment and self-employment. These are forms of collaboration carried out continuously over time, coordinated with the organisational structure of the employer but without a subordination bond.


The Legislative Decree of 15 June 2015 provides for specific rules to protect jobs done through digital platforms and, in particular, the work activity of cycle riders (so-called riders).

The current regulation accords different types of protection to riders depending on whether their activity can be classified as self-employment or is recognised as subordinate work.


Self-employment is carried out by someone who undertakes to carry out a self-employment business for a client, against a payment, as a non-employee business.


Labour services


The Regional Labour Agency of Emilia-Romagna manages services and functions in the employment services sector.

In Emilia-Romagna you can find free services aimed to provide professional information and career guidance support supplied by different subjects in the area through information events, online guidance tools and dedicated counselling:


The Career Guidance Service is carried out by specialised ER.GO staff and is aimed at young graduating students and recent graduates, with the aim of facilitating the transition from university to work. The guidance services offered by ER.GO include:

  • individual counselling interviews for the definition of professional objectives and the most effective ways of searching for a job (according to the area of interest);
  • CV check to finalise the Curriculum Vitae;
  • meetings and events on various topics related to the definition of professional goals and job search.


It is possible to check the official notices concerning the public selective procedures of the Emilia-Romagna Region and to find information on the procedures published starting from 10 July 2013.


Universities promote direct contacts between organisations and companies and their students and graduates through the services offered by the placement office. Companies can either consult the lists of students and graduates anonymously or accredit themselves and use the services offered by the universities. 

Placement offices offer students and graduates support in drawing up their CVs, drafting their cover letters and simulating job interviews, and organise initiatives to meet with companies, opportunities to get in touch with business contacts and to find their career path. 

In addition, on their websites, it is possible to find job and internship proposals offered by companies.


Citizens can search online on the Orient-ER portal for free training courses offered in Emilia-Romagna: courses for students, courses for recent graduates on Big Data, courses for the unemployed people (short training for linguistic, IT and transversal skills), continuous training courses for the employed people. 

The database contains courses financed by the Region and authorised courses for specific professions or to obtain a qualification.

In addition, the database can be used to search for information on all the training providers accredited by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the qualifications recognised within the regional system.


Cliclavoro is the public gateway of the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies where you can find:

Furthermore, through the online platform, it will be possible to find out the contact details of the Employment Centres, Territorial Offices for Targeted Placement, Labour Agencies, Maritime Placement, Informagiovani, EURES Advisors and IIL (Interregional Labour Inspectorate) and ITL (Territorial Labour Inspectorate).


Almalaurea offers students and graduates orientation, training, work and study guidance services. On the website are available:


Piattaforma Competenze e Lavoro (Competences and Labour Platform) is a joint project of AlmaLaurea, INAPP, Unioncamere and OECD with the aim of providing information on the professional needs of Italian enterprises, the skills needed for the professions and the university training courses available in Italy.


The website where to find information and official publications on competitive examinations and exams.


EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services created to help jobseekers find jobs and employers recruit staff throughout Europe. Network partners provide information, placement and recruitment services to employers and jobseekers. EURES, on the other hand, provides its services through the platform, offering the possibility of:

In addition, through EURES Targeted Mobility Schemes, it offers specific support to people seeking employment, training or apprenticeship in another EU country, Norway or Iceland and helps employers in these countries to find motivated and qualified workers. In Emilia-Romagna the service is managed by IFOA.


A set of online tools and information for working and studying in Europe. It also offers editable templates for CVs and cover letters.


The institutions of the European Union offer citizens of member States the opportunity to work in a multicultural environment. In order to work in one of the EU institutions, it is necessary to participate in the selections announced by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO), which is responsible for recruitment on behalf of all the European Institutions and bodies.


Traineeship is one of the tools that the Region promotes to support the employment of people, particularly young people. It is not an employment relationship but a training method that helps people acquire new skills through direct knowledge of the world of work.

There are two main types of traineeship: curricular and extra-curricular.

The curricular internship takes place during studies and is provided in many study courses, both at university and in higher education and vocational training. The work experience completes the university degree and allows for the acquisition of CFUs foreseen in the study plan. The length of the curricular traineeship varies depending on the number of credits allocated to the activity and does not involve remuneration.

The extra-curricular traineeship follows regional legislation. It is one of the tools that the Region promotes to support job placement for young people in particular. Extra-curricular traineeships can be carried out by those who:

  • have fulfilled their right to education and training;
  • are not professionals authorised or qualified to practise regulated professions, for typical activities, i.e. limited to the profession.

The maximum length of traineeships is six months but may rise to 12 or 24 months in specific cases. All trainees are entitled to receive a participation allowance from their employer.

In order to activate a traineeship it is necessary that the employer who will host the trainee stipulates a specific agreement with a promoter (i.e. university, etc..) and that together they draw up an individual training project for the trainee in which the learning objectives of the traineeship are established, with reference to the skills and knowledge standards of the Regional Qualifications System. The activation procedures in the Emilia-Romagna region take place online on the Lavoro per Te platform, in the section dedicated to Traineeships. 


The Distretto dell’Informatica Romagnolo (DIR) is a community project that intends to give substance to a widespread ecosystem in the territory regarding IT knowledge and practices, through the aggregation of IT companies and professionals and the university.

The new area with the training proposals published by DIR companies is now online.


On the link below you can find information on curricular, extra-curricular and postgraduate traineeships activated by the Universities of the Region.


ER.GO organises information meetings conducted by ER.GO counsellors to learn more about the tool of curricular training and post-graduate orientation. 


The European Programme called Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work experience, apprenticeships) in any working context abroad for students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree course and for PhD students in the countries participating in the programme. Recent graduates can also access these opportunities. 

You can find Erasmus+ traineeship opportunities in companies on the Erasmus Intern Traineeship portal.

Also worth mentioning is the Stage4eu website which publishes advertisements for internships in national and international institutions and public bodies, internationally recognised organisations and multinational companies. The service, created within INAPP and totally free of charge, is also a mobile app which, in addition to a complete set of useful information and references, selects daily the most interesting internship offers in the different European countries.

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