it-ER Careers is a set of dedicated measures to attract international workers (internationals or Italians living abroad) who possess critical in demand skills not supplied by the regional labour market.

Are you a qualified worker who lives abroad interested in the opportunities offered by the Emilia-Romagna region? Here you can find a guide and a webinar to get all the information about the procedures and incentives to come to Italy.  

Are you a company interested in hiring internationals? Here you can find a guide and some webinars to get all the information about the procedures and incentives to hire people relocating from abroad.

In its first edition, in 2021, dedicated to the research of international software developers (internationals or Italians living abroad) 22 companies have been involved (Imola Informatica, Elements, Quix, Mark One, Teko Telecom, Optit, Onit Group, Unitec, Horta, Rfmcube, AVL Italia, LHP Europe srl, Pirene Srl, Zanasi SRL, Master Training srl, Seven IT srl, Meta System SpA, CSE Consorzio Servizi Bancari SOC. CONS. A R.L., e-Soft s.r.l., Doxee SpA, Aetna Group SpA, Modis Consulting srl.) together with 3 agencies for employment services based in the Emilia-Romagna region (I.F.O.A. – Company Operator Training Institute, Centoform on behalf of Associazione Idea, CIS Training on behalf of Formindustria Emilia -Romagna). They all collaborated in the development of the project, together with ART-ER and Future Place Leadership, a specialized consultancy firm on international talent attraction and retention.

Write to and we will keep you updated with our initiatives.

1. Lavoratori qualificati – Tornare in Emilia-Romagna: incentivi per lavoratori expat


2. Knowledge workers – Working in Emilia-Romagna: procedures and tax benefits


3. Imprese – Assumere dall'estero: modalità e incentivi per le imprese dell'Emilia-Romagna


4. Imprese – Assumere dall'estero: pratiche e adempimenti all'arrivo del lavoratore

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