30 hours in… Ferrara

The new chapter of the it-ER monthly column to discover the Emilia-Romagna region!

Ferrara is a small city that offers you a unique experience. It's a hidden gem of authentic Italian culture. In 1995 it obtained the recognition of the patrimony of humanity as a city of the Renaissance by UNESCO and in 1999 a second recognition for the Po delta and its Este Delights. Birthplace of famous people, including the painter Giorgio De Chirico and the director Michelangelo Antonioni, ​​it houses the University of Ferrara, founded in 1391.

Named "the city of the bicycle" because its inhabitants use this means to move daily, Ferrara is inextricably linked to the culture of the two wheels, with hundreds of kilometres between the city and the province, designed and created, for the pleasure of cycling. Among the many routes inside the city, one of the most evocative is the one that runs through "Le Mura" (The Walls), one of the most impressive defensive systems of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, which surrounds the historic centre for almost nine uninterrupted kilometres.

The cultural and leisure activities of Ferrara are lively and characterised by the presence of well-known festivals: the Festival of the “International” magazine, "Ferrara Buskers Festival", "Ferrara Balloons Festival" and, not to be forgotten, is the famous and historic Palio of San Giorgio, with parades, exhibitions and competitions in the city districts.

Here's an itinerary for you to enjoy it in all its splendour.

During the morning
The first must-visit stop you should make is Piazza Trento e Trieste. It's the heart of the city, where you can marvel at the Renaissance architecture and even an impressive Estense Castle, inside of which you can find museums that recount the city's history.

From there, you can head to Palazzo dei Diamanti, an architectural gem that houses the Modern Art Gallery of Ferrara. It also houses important, prestigious temporary exhibitions organised in collaboration with Ferrara Arte.

At lunch
For lunch, try the local flavours. The territory of Ferrara is famous for some typical dishes of the Emilian cuisine. These include the squash cappellacci (small ravioli), with their particular hat shape from which they get their name and a soft filling of butternut squash, the pork sauce salami (a typical Ferrara salami), the characteristic Ferrara bread, and the chocolate ‘tenerina’ cake.

In the afternoon
In the afternoon, there's nothing better than relaxing after lunch with a leisurely stroll through the Historic Center of Ferrara, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The ancient noble houses and winding cobblestone streets create an ideal setting for you to take photos and immortalise your journey.
Walking through the city centre you will find Via delle Volte, a charming mediaeval street dedicated to the city’s trade.

At sunset
In the evening, when it's time for dinner, we recommend trying homemade fresh pasta and salami, accompanied by a good local wine. Pss, don't forget to try the pumpkin pie!
After enjoying your dinner, you can take a nighttime walk and admire the mediaeval city walls, which, when illuminated at night, present a panoramic spectacle.
The city also offers opportunities for fun and evening entertainment with the possibility of attending clubs, concerts and cultural events. Not to be missed is a visit to the characteristic "Al Brindisi" which, attested as far back as 1435, is known as the oldest wine bar in the world, frequented by the likes of Tiziano Vecellio, Nicolò Copernico, Torquato Tasso and Ludovico Ariosto.

During the morning
After a hearty breakfast at a local café, you can visit the Ducal Palace and the Cathedral of Ferrara, two historical architectural landmarks of the city.
Don’t miss the Schifanoia Museum is one of the emblems of the Renaissance splendours of Este Ferrara. The purpose of the palace was precisely to ‘avoid boredom’ (schivar la noia) or from which it derives its name.

At lunch
For lunch, you can choose one of the many riverside restaurants along the Po River. Later, you can admire the serenity of the Giardino degli Aranci. This place offers you an incredible panoramic view of the city that will leave you breathless. Take advantage of the sunset for a complete experience.

Ferrara is a city with a unique charm that will leave moments, meals, landscapes, places, and people imprinted in your memories. Add it to your travel itinerary when passing through the region, and you won't regret it!

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