Non-EU citizens

Non-EU citizens who wish to work in Italy must apply for an entry visa. The visa application can be presented to the Italian diplomatic and consular authorities in their country of residence. Depending on the reasons and length of stay, specific documents will be required, such as the availability of financial means, travel arrangements and accommodation.
Furthermore, with regard to health insurance, it is necessary to check before departure if there are specific agreements between your country and Italy and what to do to access the Italian National Health Service. If there is an agreement between your country and Italy, once you arrive at your destination it is necessary to go to one of the regional health service offices with all documents. If there is no agreement between your country and Italy, you must obtain private medical insurance. 

Subordinate work visa (including temporary and seasonal work)

In order to process this type of visa the employer needs to request a “nulla osta” (entry clearance) at Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione - SUI (Unified Immigration Desk). To establish a subordinate employment relationship with a non-EU citizen residing abroad, in fact, the employer - Italian or foreigner legally residing in Italy - must submit a nominative request for "work permit" to the SUI competent for the territory in which the work activity will take place. The SUI will provide for the “nulla osta” and the "contratto di soggiorno per lavoro" (job contract) to be sent to the Diplomatic Representation.

Self-employment visa

a) Self-Employed professionals are those mentioned in the list of the Italian Ministry of Justice ‘Associazione delle Professioni non Regolamentate’ according to D.Lgs 206/2007 art. 26 comma 3 and according to ‘Elenco Professioni Vigilate’ are included in ordini, collegi e albi professionali (professional orders, professional boards and bulletin boards). For medical professions the visa is issued upon recognition of your University Degree by the Italian Ministry of Health.

b) Entrepreneurs are considered those business operators who intend to perform in Italy a commercial activity that is considered significant for the Italian economy.

To obtain it, one must fulfill several documents and declarations.

This category includes:

  • Partners and Chairmen of Italian companies listed in D.I. 850/2001 and working in Italian S.p.A., S.r.l. and SAPA which must have been operating for at least three years
  • Managers or highly qualified employees, University language tutors and University professors, translators and interpreters

EU citizens

EU citizens who stay in Italy for more than three months must register with the Registry Office (Ufficio Anagrafe) of the city where they will stay.

Please, refer to your National Health Service before leaving your country of origin to ensure that your European health insurance card is issued by your country (or an equivalent document for European countries for which, even if temporary, has not yet been introduced, or an E-109). With the European health card or replacement insurance card, you can directly access the health facilities of the Italian National Health Service. EU students who do not have health coverage in their country of residence must take out a specific insurance policy that will give them the right to access health services. Without a health insurance policy, the student will be responsible for covering all medical expenses.

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