ER.GO meetings for international students on job search topics
This month lots of tips to explore job search in Italy or abroad – including a special focus on opportunities for international talents in the Emilia-Romagna Region
Da Cesena alla Silicon Valley...e ritorno!
Er.Go webinars to explain what are the job searching tools for International students.
Seminars cycle aimed to explore the skills for the future's job - 27th April 11:30 AM
Seminars cycle aimed to explore the skills for the future's job - 13th April 11:30 AM
Seminars cycle aimed to explore the skills for the future's job - 11th May 11:30 AM
Il 15 dicembre it-ER partecipa all'evento di ADI Bologna dedicato ai dottorandi iscritti all'associazione
Unibo Career Day is back in presence - 17th May
Heart of the Emilia-Romagna region, Bologna offers foreigners lots of opportunities in different areas. This old and red city has a lively social life and innovative steps for future welcoming to foreigners who are willing to come working or studying. I mean all foreigners who would like to live the Bologna experience! Therefore, we am going to give you some reasons why you should move to Bologna now!
Join the webinar to discover some insights on how to fine tune your application!
Emilia-Romagna region offers you a nice Easter holiday experience!
Do you need help finding information? Answer some simple questions and let
the it-ER International Talents in Emilia-Romagna portal be your guide.